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Queensland medical imaging specialists

Improving health outcomes across Queensland

Imaging Queensland provides medical imaging across a range of practices throughout Queensland, using both general and specialised radiology services to ensure the best possible health outcomes for our patients.

Female doctor standing over patient lying down about to have a CT scan at Imaging Queensland
Examinations per year
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our Practices

Your local radiology providers

Our network comprises practices throughout Brisbane, Redcliffe and Moreton Bay, across the Sunshine Coast and up to Central Queensland, including:

In addition to our generalist radiology practices, Imaging Queensland also has specialist practices including Breast Diagnostic Specialists, Advanced Women’s Imaging and Integrated Pain Management.

access images

Patient Apps

Conveniently access medical images with Imaging Queensland’s Patient Apps.

Our free Patient Apps are secure digital portals, providing simple and secure, 24/7 access to your images and diagnostic reports.

You will have the ability to take your images and reports with you across Australia, via your smart phone, tablet or online web portal.

Using any of our Apps, you can also easily request an appointment at a practice across our network for a day, time and location that suits you.

Patient Apps are available to download for the following practices:

Work with Us

At Imaging Queensland we have exciting opportunities to develop your career across a range of roles throughout Queensland.

With Imaging Queensland, your work will help in creating a healthier world.

Female patient lying down on a table with a male doctor holding an X-Ray machine over her
